

The Blog: background

With so much stuff out there already, will kids watch WONDERREEL?

Yes. And here’s how we know. Research and real life both show that big kids — 6-to-12-year-olds — have vast, ever-changing and sometimes really intense interests. Jungles. Sailing ships. Castles. Camels. Music. Monsters. Soccer, squids, soldiers, secrets, magic. Football, Minecraft, sketching. Galaxies far far away. Horses, hockey, history. Above all, there […]

We Can Do This

WONDERREEL has a simple business model: We choose to be family-supported–beholden to neither advertisers nor government funders. The numbers tell us this can work–even in a time of streaming-subscription “overload”–through scalable development of a high-quality service. We choose to support our creators–the folks who make our shows. We’ll set aside […]

Global Vision, Global Reach

WONDERREEL began at a marvelous event–the Prix Jeunesse International, a festival of the world’s finest children’s TV. (It takes place every two years in Munich, Germany.) That’s where our founder, Russell Miller, decided there had to be a way for 6-12 year olds in the US and beyond to enjoy […]


The awesomest shows on Earth

What makes an experience awesome?  A child’s own interest.  And both research and real life prove that the interests of 6-to-12-year-olds are vast, ever-changing and sometimes really intense. Jungles. Sailing ships. Castles. Camels. Music. Monsters. Soccer, squids, soldiers, secrets, magic. Football, Minecraft, sketching. Galaxies far far away. Horses, hockey, history. Above […]

A channel for every child.

WONDERREEL will be unlike any other children’s entertainment platform–in more ways than one: in the depth and breadth of our collection. in our focus on kids 6-12 and their emotional, social and intellectual development in our commitment to family-supported children’s entertainment in our global network of partners, creators and supporters […]