A channel for every child.

WONDERREEL will be unlike any other children’s entertainment platform–in more ways than one:

  • in the depth and breadth of our collection.
  • in our focus on kids 6-12 and their emotional, social and intellectual development
  • in our commitment to family-supported children’s entertainment
  • in our global network of partners, creators and supporters
  • and above all, in our user interfaces and technology.

Start at the beginning: How do kids find shows to watch?  Conventional streaming services promote binge viewing of the same program.  But kids deserve better, so we asked developmental psychologists to help design controls that support big kids’ fierce curiosity.

We’ll create a personal channel for each child, with information literally at kids’ fingertips. Take a look.

Now add in unique child-friendly tools for discovering and sharing–so it’s a breeze for kids to find new favorites…,

WONDERREEL will make it easy for children to follow their passions–not the crowd!  We welcome your family to help make that happen by joining our community of co-creators, Team WONDERREEL.
