If you think about it, old-fashioned TV has a problem. Each channel can only deliver one show at a time. So every show needs the biggest audience it can draw. Old-fashioned TV can’t possibly serve the distinct, individual tastes of each child 6-12. It’s a mass medium.
The Internet isn’t. Online every single child can watch something different. When kids discover new favorites, they can immediately share them with friends. The Internet is an opportunity to serve 6-to-12 year olds in amazing, enriching new ways.
So why do the major streaming platforms push the same old characters and cartoons, shows kids have watched over and over, shows conceived from the start to sell action figures, breakfast cereal and party favors? We’re not going to speculate. But we are going to seize the opportunity.
WONDERREEL is making the most of online entertainment for school-age kids–not stocking up with the same old, not focus-grouping for hits, not nudging kids to binge. Together with innovative creators all over the world, we’re using digital technology to offer kids broad choice and deliver rich, varied experiences with video and film.
We hope you’ll read on to learn what we’re creating and why we know kids will love it. And we hope your family will help us make WONDERREEL terrific by joining our community of co-creators, Team WONDERREEL.